Oron - traduction vers français
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Oron - traduction vers français

Oron (disambiguation)

Oron, male first name (Hebrew)



Oron may refer to: "Light" or someone that is "being able" or "capable" of doing anything posible or impossible.

  • Oron people a multi ethnic group of people living In the lower Cross River basin.
  • Oron Nation, one of the major states in the old Calabar Kingdom, Nigeria
  • Oron District, Switzerland
  • Oron, Vaud, Switzerland. Created in 2012 it includes the former municipalities of:
    • Oron-la-Ville, Switzerland
    • Oron-le-Châtel, Switzerland
  • Oron, Moselle, France
  • Oron, Akwa Ibom, a city and local government area in Akwa Ibom State
  • Oron language, of Nigeria known as Oro
  • Oron people, a people from Akwa Ibom State in Nigeria
  • Oron, Israel, an industrial zone in Israel
  • Lake Oron, Bodaybo District, Russia
  • The largest of the Kapylyushi lakes, Baunt District, Russia
  • The Hebrew name for Uranus
Exemples de prononciation pour Oron
1. I remember driving back from Orono, Maine one time in a crappy car that was on the verge
Dane Cook _ Talks at Google
Exemples du corpus de texte pour Oron
1. A Oron, on met des pantoufles pour venir en classe.
2. Dans l‘arrondissement de Lavaux–Oron, le jeune socialiste Jean Christophe Schwaab a aussi passé la rampe.
3. A Oron–Le–Châtel, l‘Oron World Festival, rendez–vous de cet été qui trébuche.
4. A la librairie du Midi, ŕ Oron–La–Ville, malgré l‘indépendance des jeunes propriétaires qui la font vivre, on y vient aussi.
5. Désormais, je crois que je vais prendre les deux.» Elise, 17 ans, Oron: «20 minutes a l‘air mieux que Le Matin Bleu.